I HAVE BOUGHT OTHER PRODUCT FROM YOU, HOWEVER THE ONE WE JUST BOUGHT HAS A SCREW THAT DOES NOT WORK (W3) AND IS NOW STUCK IN OUR R POST AND WE ARE UNALE TO PUT THE TOP ON THE TREE. I CALL THE NUMBER ON THE WEBSITE LAST WEEK AND LEFT A MESSAGE AND STILL HAVE NOT HEARD BACK FROM ANYONE! DO YOU NOT HAVE A NUMBER THAT I CAN SPEAK TO SOMEONE? I WOULD REALLY LIKE A NEW (W3) SCREW AND R POLE SO WE CAN FINISH PUTTING TOGETHER OUR TREE. Armarkat Sales Representative: We are sorry that we didn't call you in a good time frame. To work more efficiently, keep our prices competitive, we only provide voice mail and email to our customer. But we usually response the voice mail and email within 24 hours. To get the replacement is very easy. You just need to email us at with your purchase receipt, the image of of defective product, you will be guaranteed to receive the response within one business day.