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Telling Tails: Cat Language as Expressed by their Tails!

Telling Tails: Cat Language as Expressed by their Tails!

Posted by Andrea on 26th Apr 2021

Let’s look into the meaning expressed by cat tails. From the positions in which they hold them to the various tail movements or wags, cats can express their happiness, their anger, and every emotion in between. When studied in combination with their ears, their eyes, and their body postures, we can absolutely ascertain what the feline is thinking and feeling.

When you take the time to learn and understand how cats express themselves, you will have opened a fascinating door into the cat’s unique consciousness. Besides getting a clue as to what Kitty is trying to communicate, we can use their body language to pick up on what situations cause them distress or pleasure. Since cats are innately so different from humans, if we learn to read their emotions we can begin to discover clues to illness or other conditions that, by nature, they try to hide from us. This comes directly from their days in the wild when to show vulnerability meant potential danger from other predators.

Learning the language expressed by cats’ tails is like trying to learn any new tongue. You need to give yourself time and your understanding will gradually improve. You may note that cats do not like to be petted near the base of their tails. Since the tail is amongst their most important methods of communicating, that twitching base should always be left alone so it can properly do its work!

Here are a few beginner tail positions and their meanings: If you see a flicking or lashing tail that is straight down, this cat is agitated. A tail waving slowing indicates the cat is fixated; she is concentrating on something. A tail straight up with a slight curve at the end means Kitty is affable and happy to greet you. If she curves her tail around your legs, she is showing she is bonded to you. On the other hand, if her tail is tucked next to or underneath her, she is frightened. This position will often be used when she feels unwell.

See if you can recognize the following tail positions and their meanings:

Now that you’ve mastered those, let’s check out a few more tail positions. When you see a cat with a tail puffed up, you will probably see the rest of her fluffed up as well. This signifies anger, fear, or agitation. Time to step away. Next, a cat whose tail is whipping back and forth is also angry. Even is she is only frightened, this is not the time to cuddle.

The more you take notice, the more you will see that cats’ tails send out messages that are strong and clear. As long as you know how to read the signs, you can tell quite a bit about what they are thinking and feeling at any given moment.

If you put in the effort, you can easily become a cat tail expert, yourself. What is the payoff, you ask? Again, the more we can understand our fur family’s particular wants and needs, the better we can figure out their preferences and even their discomfort or potential illness. In the end, being a better informed pet parent will make you more intuitive. This will, without doubt, make your bond with Kitty stronger. It will lead to a happier, healthier cat and a better relationship between yourself and your feline. Plus, you will have gained a bit of insight into the wonderfully mysterious world of the cat.

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