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Modern Cat's Veterinarian List of Do's & Don'ts for a Happy and Healthy Christmas with your Cat

Modern Cat's Veterinarian List of Do's & Don'ts for a Happy and Healthy Christmas with your Cat

Posted by Andrea on 21st Dec 2019

Unfortunately, the holiday season brings many a pet parent to the emergency vet. Since no one wants to go through trauma with their pets, the holidays are an especially important time to be vigilant of what you can do to avoid the vet. To keep your feline happy, healthy and away from the vet this Christmas, here is are some do's and don'ts that will help.

Don't accidentally poison your pet. For instance, onions and garlic can damage your cat's red blood cells and lead to anemia. If your cat is lethargic and weak with reduced appetite, contact your vet if you think onions or garlic was the culprit. If your feline has developed diarhea and vomiting and has recently eaten pan drippings, skin or fatty meats, they can develop pancreatitis, which can be deadly.

Do provide treats that taste good and will make kitties feel great as well. Small bits of fish or lean meats are fine. Salmon and white meat chicken or turkey are very healthy. Just watch portion sizes since treats shouldn't comprise more than 10% of your pet's daily food intake.

Don't bring holiday plants into your home if they are dangerous to cats. Poinsettia is not as big of a danger as is lily or mistletoe, which can cause upset stomach or even fatal arrhythmia.

Do keep the phone number to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center available if you think your pet could have eaten a dangerous plant. Call 888.426.4435.

For more Do's and Don'ts, follow this link:

And best wishes from Armarkat for a safe and happy holiday with your fur family!
